• +30 27541 81028 / +30 697 093 5547


  • Mesogion Avenue 15, Athens

    Branch: Ermioni Argolida

  • Office hours

    Mon - Sat:: 09:00 - 22:00

The company with the name “GOUTOS REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION”, which
is based in Athens, at 15 Mesogeion Avenue, 11527 (for the sake of
brevity the “Company”) beneficiary among other websites with domain
names «www.goutos.com» as well as «www.gcollection.gr», offers its
services under the terms of use described in detail below, as well as
the Data Protection Policy which can be found here, which each
visitor / user of goutos.com is asked to read carefully and to
visit / use the pages and services of goutos.com, only if
he or she accepts them fully.
In case of disagreement the user is requested not to use
goutos.com, but to notify the Company of any comments
in order to take them into account, always within the limits of what is possible, in good
faith and their respective business ethics. The comments that may be submitted,
are recorded and analyzed by the Company to draw conclusions, in
no case do they bind Her towards the user or any other
third party.
Minor site visitors / users are not allowed to have
access to the site services that may be considered inappropriate for
them and which can not be checked from the site. In every
section or service that may contain inappropriate / offensive / immoral material
there is a warning towards the visitors/users. If despite all of these, minor
users willingly visit pages with content inappropriate / offensive / immoral
which is not possible to be checked all the time, the website is not responsible. The
Company does not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If
its found that he has collected any personal information from a minor
without verifiable parental consent,it will delete the information from the database
as soon as possible.
The Company provides the visitors/users of goutos.com a variety of services
which mainly consist of providing information, ads of every
kind, the possibility of using communication tools, services
search, mass user access, etc. The total of the existing
services as well as any new services included on goutos.com
are subject to these terms of use, unless expressly provided otherwise. The
visitor/user of goutos.com services accept fully and
without doubt that the collection of information/services of goutos.com are provided
<<as is>> and the Company bears no liability regarding the limited
duration, deletion, poor performance, inability to
save the data of the users as well as any damage, which
may be caused by the use of goutos.com.
The use of goutos.com is governed by the provisions of the Greek, European –
Community and International Law, which are binding on the individual
user / visitor, who is obliged to comply with them. In addition,
the user / visitor is obliged to use the content and services
of goutos.com in accordance with the relevant legislation, good morals and the present
terms, abstaining from any action that may offend the ethos and
the personality of other visitors / users or create problems in
the smooth operation of goutos.com.
The user / visitor understands and accepts that the site performs
preliminary check of the content, as well as that the site and the relevant partners
reserve the right (and not the obligation) of the exclusive choice
of refusing to post / publish or moving or deleting any
content that is available through the services. Also, the website and
the associates reserve the right to delete anyone without notice
whom content violates these terms of use.
The User / visitor who wishes to register in the services of goutos.com
• to state his true, complete and valid personal data, as these
are requested by goutos.com in the relevant requests for access to
its services / content,
• thoroughly inform goutos.com immediately of any changes to the above
data as well as to ensure that these data remain
constantly accurate, complete and true.
The Company provides membership services to the users of goutos.com, upon acceptance
of the conditions of use and completion of the process of registration of their data.
Once the visitor / user completes the registration process, he or she receives
confirmation of its registration through a unique hyperlink, which
is sent to the address specified by the user / member
and it is presumed that he or she has accepted these terms and is aware of them.
Users remain solely responsible for all operations that
are performed under the personal password, username and more generally
their user account. Users agree to notify immediately the
company for any unauthorized use of their account and
any occurrence and / or possible breach of security. In addition, the users
are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and the
their standard log out from their account at the end of each year. The company
is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from their weakness
of the users-visitors to respect and follow this clause. After
the creation of the account, its deletion is possible by the same
By confirming the registration through this hyperlink, the registration process
is completed.
The visitor / user has the right to object to the request towards the
website and ask the correction or deletion of his personal data,
as well as deleting him from a member via an email on the contact
form of the website and according to everything that is stated at
the terms – privacy policy.
The Company reserves the exclusive right, and the user / visitor accepts it,
to permanently or temporarily shut down goutos.com with or without
warning to users / members.
From time to time, the Company may offer trial Subscriptions for
a certain period of time, without payment or at a reduced price (one “Test”). The
Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine
the conditions for a Test and subject to applicable laws, to
revoke or modify a Test at any time, without prior
notice and without any liability, to the maximum extent permitted by the
The Company makes every effort within the framework of technological
control, in order for the services, contents and options of goutos.com to
be provided seamlessly and without interruption. However, it is not responsible in the event that
for any reason, including negligence, the operation
of goutos.com is terminated or it becomes difficult and / or impossible to access it
and / if, despite safety precautions, “viruses” or other harmful software is detected
and transmitted to user / visitor terminals, or if unauthorized third parties
(hackers) interfere with the content and the function
of goutos.com making it difficult to use or causing problems in
the proper operation of it.
Lots of content and information on goutos.com does not
come from the Company, instead are published and posted on
goutos.com at the initiative and sole responsibility of each
user / advertiser and may in no case be construed as valid
information and / or advice neither do conceal the Company’s prompting to
perform specific transactions. The Company undertakes exclusively the
collection, grammar-editing and posting of its content
on goutos.com but in no case guarantees the correctness, completeness and
και the availability of its contents, pages, services, options.
. After that the respective user / visitor uses the
provided services / information of goutos.com exclusively on his own
initiative, while assuming the relevant cross-border responsibility
of this information.
The Company may, but has no obligation to monitor, control or
edits User Content. In all cases, the Company maintains the
right to remove or disable access to any
User Content for any reason, including, without
restriction, of the User Content which, at its discretion of the
Company, violates the Agreements. The Company can take these actions
without prior notice to you or any third party. The deletion or
disabling access to User Content will be performed by
the sole discretion of the Company and does not promise to remove or
forbid the access to any specific User Content.
The company is not responsible for User Content, nor does it endorse any
view contained in any User Content.
The Company bears no responsibility regarding the content of the ads
(of any category and form) posted on goutos.com. Further the
Company is not responsible for any issue arising from any conclusion of any kind of
commercial transaction between the user / member and the third party advertiser.
General Advertising Content Rules
• The advertiser must adhere to the contents displayed in the ad.
• Ads can not mislead users. Messages
in the content of the ad must not contain statements or
visual representations, which either directly or indirectly, with implied, with
omissions, with ambiguous or exaggerated allegations, may
mislead the consumer.
• Ads cannot collect personal information from the users of
goutos.com without them knowing and giving their approval.
• Ads that collect information from users should
include the Terms of Use in the content of their websites.
• Ads cannot mimic the user experience
that goutos.com provides. For example, ads that
use graphic and verbal similar to our
website, because this can disorient the user,
are not allowed.
• Ads cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color,
ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
the state of health or genetic condition but also the family status
of the user.
• In advertising banners, the identity of the advertiser must be
If the Company is notified that any content violates these
terms of use, is illegal or misleading the Company may, in the absolute
discretion, to take action without prior notification to the provider
of that Content.
If you believe that any Content does not comply with the Terms
of Use, or that is illegal or misleading please fill out the form from
the corresponding link that appears on each page.
Practices that may, intentionally or unintentionally, mislead the users are not allowed
as well as if they distort the functionality of the service provided. Indicatively,
but without limiting to these, the following practices are not permitted:
• The publication, on the site GOUTOS.COM, of real estate ads, which are no longer
commercially active.
Deleting and re-registering ads on the site GOUTOS.COM or
update ads without actual changes in order to appear
with a more recent date.
• The publication on the site GOUTOS.COM and real estate listings without price or with
fake price (ex. 1 euro).
• The publication on the site GOUTOS.COM of real estate listings where brokers
hide their status in the company and appear as individuals .
• The publication, on the site GOUTOS.COM of multiple ads of the same property
in the same or in different regions for the purpose of greater geographical
• The publication, on the site GOUTOS.COM of its trademark (logo)
advertiser instead of photo real estate ads in the field intended for
posting photos.
• The publication on the site GOUTOS.COM of photos that are not related to
property ad description.
If any of the above practices or something is crossed after an audit
which is not described here but is intended to mislead the user, the company
will unpublish this ad of the customer’s ads. If this happens
two times for a customer, the Company will remove all the
ads of the user for 48 hours. If that happens a third time
for the same account, the company will remove all the ads
of the user for 30 days.
In particular, the Company informs that if they are ascertained by the systems
our quality or if there is a written complaint, for multiple,
recurring, non-unit, misleading or inactive ads on
user’s accounts, reserves the right to immediately remove such ads
by goutos.com.
The copyright of the content and services of goutos.com, is
indicatively and not restrictively including texts, advertisements,
photos, plans, commercial and financial data, programs, everything
nature of files, marks / logos, format (lay – out) of goutos.com,
are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on
copyright and belong exclusively to the Company and are available to
users / visitors only for personal use. The Company is always within the framework
of good faith and relevant business ethics makes every effort
so that the content and information displayed each time at
goutos.com be as accurate and true as possible, but bears no responsibility
for their reliability or completeness.
It is further prohibited any copying, distribution, transfer, processing,
reselling, creating a work product or misleading the public about
their actual provider of goutos.com content. Any reproduction,
reissue, upload, notification, dissemination or transmission or any other use
of goutos.com content in any way or medium for commercial or
other purposes are allowed only with the prior written permission of the Company
or any other copyright holder. In a different
ocasion, such actions may constitute an infringement of rights
of intellectual / industrial property of the Company, which reserves the right to
claim any positive and detrimental damage caused to it in accordance with
provisions of current legislation.
The user / visitor / member accepts and acknowledges that the Company has the
possibility of commercial exploitation (either by itself or by third parties) of the whole
of the items displayed on goutos.com .
Use of photos in ads: The user / advertiser responsibly declares that
photos posted on goutos.com are his intellectual property
and in no case are they affected and / or free from any
third party’s right. The Company has no responsibility regarding the content of
the above photos as well as for any other issues that may come up
about these photos.
Furthermore, the user / advertiser takes the responsibility to cover the expenses of every
damage (including any costs, court or other) that may
the Company suffers from claims of any third party, which are related to anyone
way by registering and viewing the above photos.
The user / member fully and unequivocally accepts the exclusive right of the
Company to stop using his / her passwords on his / her services on
goutos.com and stop the provision of its content and information on
goutos.com whenever it (the Company) considers that these users have
violated the terms.
Specifically, the user fully and unequivocally accepts that the Company maintains the
right whenever it deems, in its sole discretion, that the
content of an ad / listing may, at any way,
be misleading or / and illegal or / and false or /and offensice as well as that
such content is generally contrary to these terms of use, to stop
its publication and posting on goutos.com. At the same time the Company maintains the
right not to allow the user / advertiser of that ad to
post / post other ads on goutos.com in the future.
The Company covers all personal data and information as well
and the conditions for the collection, processing and management of personal
data of the users/customers/visitors/members of goutos.com. In no case,
at present, the relationship between visitors / users / members is not covered by
goutos.com and any services not subject to the control / ownership
of the company. The Company collects personal data on goutos.com:
• When the visitor / user subscribes to its services
• When he / she uses its services.
• When he /she uses the webpage of goutos.com and views the ads.
or (of any kind) programms. Every user is obligated to state
his true and full personal information as well as to inform goutos.com
for any change providing the necessery information required in order
the personal data to be full, true and updated.
The user accepts and consents like the Company, under the terms of its provisions
L.2472 / 1997, as amended by L.3471 / 2016 and currently in force, will
keep a file and will process any personal data (information
related to his computer as well as his visits, and activity
on this site or in related applications (including [his
own IP address, his geographic location, the broswer and its version
his operational system, of the source of his reference, the
duration of the visit, the pages he viewed and the routes of
navigation on the website or linked applications], which will be included in
knowledge of it (the Company) from the user’s visit to goutos.com in order to:
• fulfill the terms and obligations of the individual services, which
goutos.com provides its users.
• the general information of the user,
the satisfaction of the respective requirements of the user regarding
services available from and through goutos.com,
• informing the user about new offers, services, products
etc. (indicatively mentioned marketing news letters, news
offers, ads, etc.),
• the smooth operation of goutos.com,
• any action related to the above.
The Company through goutos.com has the ability to use Cookies as part
of the facility and operation of the services of goutos.com. The Cookies
are small files (text files), which are sent and stored in
user / subscriber computer, allowing websites such as
goutos.com, to operate smoothly and without technical anomalies, to
allow the collection of multiple user / subscriber options, and
identify users / subscribers and facilitate their access to
goutos.com, and also collect data to improve content. The
Cookies do not cause harm to users’ computers and
in the files kept in their machines. The Company uses Cookies to
provide information to users / subscribers and to handle services
provided through goutos.com.
• Third-party vendors, including Google, may display
ads of the Company on websites on the internet.
• Third-party vendors, including Google, may do
use of cookies to display ads based on previous
user visits on the Company’s website.
• Users can choose to opt out of such use
of cookies by Google.
It is pointed out that Cookies are absolutely necessary in order for goutos.com
to work properly and without errors.
These terms apply equally to the benefit of the Company, its subsidiaries and
of its affiliated companies, are governed by Greek Law and in
in the event that any of them appear to be invalid and / or not
applicable even some for any reason, the terms are not affected
by it will be applied and have full force.
For any dispute that may arise regarding its operation and use
goutos.com consumers can in accordance with the relevant legislation, to
address the competent Greek body of Alternative Dispute Resolution which
is in this case the Consumer Ombudsman, 144 Alexandras Avenue, Athens
11471, E-mail address: grammateia@synigoroskatanaloti.gr,
Website: http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr, Telephone 2106460862
If it is not possible to settle it by consensus, the competent authorities it the
Court of Athens. For any dispute regarding the interpretation and the application
of these terms and conditions as well as for any other matter relating to
the use of goutos.com, applicable by the Greek Law.
To receive any information about these terms you can
contact the Company’s customer service.
Following the terms of use and privacy policy as published
on our website and are valid until today and are integral
part of the following, by using our specific service you accept
• You are older than 18 years old, Unless you are 18 years old, you do not have a warranty for
the use of this service. By way of derogation from the above, you make use of
of the service, our Company does not bear any responsibility while reserving
against those legally liable for reparation for any damage suffered
from the violation of the terms of use of our Website and the services
but also for any other legal right.
• You have not been convicted of a felony and you do not seek to misled
through our services.
• By accessing this service you agree to use with
a legal way personal information provided to you by
other users and that you will not use their personal information
in any way without th prior consent of the user
to whom the information belong.
The Company in any case draws your attention before the exchange
of personal information while it knows you do not have the ability either
is obliged to criminal or any legal control of users and
information exchanged through its service.